This is a picture of Marty. He is an old dude that takes time to sweep the track that we race on every week. Today I was riding around in circles at the track and he was there with his push blower, clearing the fall debris off of the track. We are done racing there, but he knows that some people are down there working out, riding, or with their families enjoying traffic free cycling. Such a good guy.
He is a retired laborer, so I guess he has some free time. Last year when I went to Kraynicks to clean up some bikes for the "give poor kids bikes" program, he was there. We talked a bunch. He apparently was in the shop most days fixing bikes for kids.
Little known fact: Marty was the 1974 ACA club champion. When I started racing at the oval in 2003, he was still in pretty good shape, and could whip up a decent sprint for a 60 something year old guy. The world needs more people like Marty.
Marty is 77. Little known fact he had a heart attack earlier this year. I learned that while talking to him three days after it happened. Mind you, talking to him on the track as he was running the blower, THREE DAYS after the heart attack. Dude has cleared the track so much he's had to replace the tires on the blower from wear. The blower's less than five years old. When I asked why he wasn't taking it easy, he replied that he was more comfortable at the track and didn't like just sitting at home. It had stormed that week and he was worried the track wouldn't be clear for racing. Unbelievable.
Steevo I was wondering where this track is? I would like to come down and exercise on it riding my bike traffic free.
Once a Club Champion, always a Club Champion!
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